Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday Threesome on Friday, which is fine, cause it's food-friendly

Two posts in one week with ideas borrowed from CafeWriting.

Onesome- Coffee: Do you drink coffee? If so, do you ask for brewed or do you prefer the fancy espresso drinks? What’s your flavor?

I'm not a big coffee drinker, but I have fallen in love with our local coffee shop's Caramel Macchiato. With three shots of espresso instead of the regular two, it's my Sunday morning caffeine treat, but I had a regular two-shotter today because I had a free one coming thanks to my school's Faculty & Staff Association. 

Twosome- Tea: Do you drink tea? Hot or iced? Regular, herbal or flavored?

I drink more tea than coffee, almost exclusively green tea, plain. I like it either hot or iced with lemon juice added. I've also started drinking yerba mate and like that too. Sometimes I'll make a yerba/green hybrid, cause that's how I roll.

Threesome- Or Me? Ok, not really me! Seriously, what’s your favorite beverage? Alcoholic or non, healthy or not?

My favorite guilty pleasure drink is Cream Soda, but I pretty much never drink it now. Do smoothies count as drinks? I love either a homemade blueberry protein smoothie or anything at Jamba Juice or Orange Julius or wherever (though I'm pretty sure homemade is better for me).

1 comment:

  1. My local Jamba Juice is next door to my local Starbucks. I am doomed :)
