Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Repent! The End (of not blogging) is Here!

I gave it an extra couple days there, just to be sure, but I guess the world's going to continue after all. We thought the tornado sirens on Sunday might have been it, but no. Or, anyway, if anyone was raptured away, it was no one I know. If that was my corrupting influence, I'd like to apologize to any of you who would otherwise have had a shot.

When the world was going to end, well, blogging regularly didn't make much sense in the grand scheme of things, but I guess I'll have to take up my post again and get back to it after a month away.

So how's everyone been? My daughter continues to grow and learn and be adorable. Work keeps me and my wife busy busy busy. And I've been carving out time to work out every day and seeing good results. It's good that the world didn't end, though, because I don't quite have the six-pack abs to show my Creator (I assume that's part of the judgment). Still, I'm down about 13 pounds since I started the P90x program in early April and about 25 pounds since the first of the year. I'm feeling good.

I can credit a low-carb diet with some of the weight loss, and at the same time I've been on a low-internet diet as well. I've barely checked Facebook in the past month, though I have been following some blogs and I've been consuming other media--audiobooks, some podcasts, and just a little paper-and-ink novels--it's been tough to find the time, but audio formats can fill in time here and there in ways that are harder to do with actual books.

I'd like to get back to blogging regularly, and I think the time off has been good for me.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back, or still here! I missed you. Congrats on the weight loss.

    I hear clean underwear was a requirement for the rapture.
