And then life got in the way. So it looks like this post will be a cascade of reasons why I'm not going to succeed at Holidailies this year:
- My wife and I both work full-time in education--a career that can easily take every spare moment you have.
- We have kids who are nearly 4 years old and 20 months (today!), which can easily take every spare moment you have.
- We bought a house last spring. Speaking of things that can take up spare moments, home ownership is somewhere near the top of that list.
- My wife is working on her Master's degree. Did I say something about spare moments?
- And our lovely new house is at least 15 minutes from the school where we work (compared to a 2-minute drive before this and a 2-minute walk before that).
But even as I type that--even as I thought about it before I started typing any of this, a defiant streak arose within me, a streak that wants to find a way to carve out just a little writing time every day over the course of this month. It's going to be hard: I should try to keep these short, because I don't have much time to devote to them, but as Blaise Pascal said: Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.To paraphrase: I would have written a shorter blog post, but I didn't have time.
But we'll see: maybe I can pull some worthwhile writing out of this month; as a parent and a teacher, I know for a fact that stranger things have happened.
Good luck. It is hard to do everything!